Ms Claudia Schmidt
Tulimeke Binda
Ms Tulimeke Binda
Mr Clinton Reah
Ms Shannah Behrens
Ms Yana McDuling
Mr Ernest Garthoff
Katrina Basimike
Ms Katrina Basimike
Ms Estelle Mudge
Mr Addmore Nyandoro
Ms Linda Main
Ms Joanne van Dyk
Mr Remember Muusha
Dr Beate Dongwi
Mr Armand Louw (Intern)
Chemistry and Physics
Ms Andrea Kuppel
Mr Makhosi Sibanda
Tasara Manamike
Mr Tasara Manamike
Mr Gideon Mahukazuva
Ms Memoire Sieberhagen
Justina Nakamhela
Ms Justina Nakamhela
Ms Peta Austin
Mr Armand Louw (Intern)
Ms Ustine Louw
Ms Wilma Cloete
Ms Memoire Sieberhagen
German Foreign Language
Ms Christine Muthamia
Ms Antje Strobach
Ms Nangula Amadhila
French Foreign Language
Ms Clementine Ruel
Ms Karine Sinden-Dijoux
Ms Blandine Iitamalo
Afrikaans Second Language
Ms Anki Rencs
Ms Anneke le Roux
Margey Marquis
Ms Margey Marquis
Ms Yolande Philander
Ms Andrea Callesen
Mr Ernest Garthoff
Commerce: Accounting and Economics
Ms Anthea Daniels
Ms Ethel Dealie
Ms Leonie Visser
Mr Peter Costello
Art & Design
Ms Liz Kopf
Ms Yana McDuling
Simeon Ikanda
Mr Simeon Ikanda
Ms Memory Nyamajiwa
Ms Elzaan de Wee
Physical Education
Mr Jasper Engelbrecht
Mr Peter Costello
School Counsellor and Life Skills
Ms Jacky Luyt
Media Centre
Ms Jossie Koekemoer
Chaplain and Religious Education
Sister Maria Therese